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Showing posts from January, 2021

Plans for 2021 (December 2020 Reads #2)

  Ranking CB’s Bibliography   12 Revolution 2020 11 One Arranged Murder 10 One Night @ the Call Center 9 The Girl In Room 105 8 One Indian Girl 7 India Positive 6 The 3 Mistakes of my Life 5 Making India Awesome 4 What Young India Wants 3 Half Girlfriend 2 2 STATES 1 Five Point Someone End of 2020 2020 was a crazy year! A lot of unexpected moments had happened, and it will always be in my memories. Fortunately, my decision to record these events was a right one and I started recording all of it in my blog. Before commencing my first-year anniversary for my blog. I just want to share some of my plans for 2021. This is nothing like an oath of some kind. I may not able to achieve want I list here. Yet, its not bad to dream sometimes. And the most important reason of all is the nostalgic factor it would when I revisit it next year. So basically, I didn’t

The Non Fiction December (December 2020 Reads #1)

  Devouring Non-Fictions Its time to read some non-fiction! I had read பெண் ஏன் அடிமையானால்? Written by பெரியார் on the month of July before even started reading the Dan Brown Books. Also, I am not a fanatic of reading Non-Fiction books. So, I decided to start reading non-fiction written by the guy of whose books made me to develop my habit of reading English books. Its Chetan Bhagat! The story was that I had planned to complete the works of Chetan Bhagat. I had already read 8 of his fiction books from my high school (Starting from Half Girlfriend ) till now (to One arranged Murder ). In between I have read 5 Point Someone, 2 States, One Night @ the Call Centre, One Indian Girl, The Girl in Room 105 and 3 Mistakes of my Life.  Only Revolution 2020 was remaining for me to read in his fiction novels collection. In addition to that, he had written 3 more Non-Fiction books too – What Young India Wants, Making India Awesome: New Essays and Columns and India Positive: New E