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Dan Brown meets X-Files (The.Godfucker #6)

Deception Point

After reading almost all the Dan Brown books, I find Deception Point the easiest read of all. Most of his books deals with history and conspiracy theories about a certain group of people. In the sense, a normal reader like me would have never known about them and sometimes I would find it difficult to connect with the plot. For example, Angels and Demons deals with Illuminati. 

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I first came to know about Illuminati from my favourite Youtube Channel Niga Higa. Later, I kept hearing about Illuminati from Pewdiepie videos to Memes. So, I didn’t find difficulty in connecting with the plot. But it was also difficult for me to cope up with the history of Illuminati in some places. Though the use of secret society and their conspiracy theories would be fascinating, I cannot able to connect with it. Because we should’ve had a previous experience with those kinda things. I mean like in the case of A&D, it was easier for me to get hooked because I had heard of Illuminati before.

In the DaVinci Code, Dan brown had explained about Priory of Scion. A brotherhood who kept a secret about the Holy Grail. I can able to connect with the concept of Holy grail because I had gotten introduced about this in the movie Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade. 

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But, in the Lost Symbol, he had explained about Free Masons. A secret society which protects a symbol that will shock the world, but the symbol never shocked me. What shocked me was the final reveal. (More on Final Reveal later) 

The Inferno deals with Dante’s epic poem and the book Origin deals with modern art and its secret.

So, all the books from Robert Langdon series dealt with information that were not known by me beforehand. It didn’t make them bad, but I had tough time connecting with the plot sometimes. 

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However, the Deception Point was not like that. In fact, I had a nostalgic moment when I read about Panspermia and the conspiracy theory was also a familiar one for me. It would be right to say that that conspiracy theory was a worldwide famous theory. It was the Alien Invasion theory.

Instead of history, Deception Point provided a lot of Scientific information and tit bits in an easy way. I didn’t feel any complexity in it. Although I would say that the topics Dan Brown chose to discuss would be complex in a standalone point of view but, he has a knack to blend the science with fiction and most importantly, how to explain that in a thrilling way.

As soon as this theory was introduced in the beginning of this novel, I was hooked. And Dan Brown’s writing style involves chapters with a length of 2 to 5 pages. Almost all the chapters would have a cliff-hanger ending to get us hooked to read more. The fun part is in Davinci Code, even the chapter before the last chapter had a cliff-hanger. That was the Genius of Dan Brown.

Speaking of Genius, Dan Brown always follows a formula to write all his novels. It never bothered me, like it bothered for many other people. The ending of Deception point was sexy and since this was my first Dan Brown novel, I didn’t able to guess the final reveal. When it happened, I found my Deceptive point of reading this book.

Before starting the Robert Langdon series, I would like to write the formula of Dan Brown briefly.

Formula that always works (for me TBH)

·       A guy protagonist who uses his wits rather than his fists.

·       A hot Waman protagonist with bold temperament.

·       Novel starts with someone dying and the protagonist duo would explore locations (A loooot) and its history.

·       Death defining situations and how the characters escapes from it. In Lost symbol, I even believed Robert Langdon died. (Yeah, it’s easy to deceive me)

·       And Lastly the final reveal which shock us to the core and sometimes questions our sanity. (I was used to be a kanni, I can’t help it 🥱)

Robert Langdon series was filled with these formulas and it hardly annoyed me. And from here on out, I didn’t ask my mom to choose the book for me. I just went right head and picked the first book of the Robert Langdon series, Angels and Demons.



 Deception Point

100 pages into the Deception Point, there were 4 mysteries that Dan Brown had created so far.

1, The three Spying Delta guys
2, Senator Sexton's mysterious meeting with wealthy people.
3, Marjories plan for the TV debate. - 124
4, The Mysterious 300 year old meteorite that Rachel was told about. - 118

smirk vs smug?
1.618 - Golden ratio

36th chapter - awesome and gruesome

200 Pages and two mysteries have been anwered and two new mysteries have been unfolded.

1, The three Spying Delta guys
2, Senator Sexton's mysterious meeting with wealthy people.
3. Gabrielle and the mysterious envelope guy. - 210
4. The mystery of seawater and the living planktons in the icy glaciers which had covered the meteorite.

Also, will the fossil will be back to life?

53rd chapter - This kindof chapter would be easier better seen in a movie than read. I took a lot of time to read this chapter. It wsa very tough to image the struggle

300 Pages! The last 200 pages were more concentrated on science fiction stuff. Two mysteries solved and the other two had been solidied.

1, The three Spying Delta guys
2, The mystery of seawater and the living planktons in the icy glaciers which had covered the meteorite.

Finished Reading 404 Pages!

1, The three Spying Delta guys - This one got closely revealed. But at this point, Dan Brown feels like making me to guess the wrong person. Still this one is hanging in mystery.
2, The mystery of seawater and the living planktons in the icy glaciers which had covered the meteorite. - This one also has been hanging in mystery but it gave way to a lot of technical leads.

a. Mid Range Nickel content
b. Fusion crest
c. Condrules
d. Doubting the ET fossils as Deepwater (Apparently in "Dead Zone") crustaceans.

Two new mysteries has been added.

3, Gabrielle finding out about Harper and the lead he gave about the senior administor of NASA and Marjorie.
4, Senator Sexton's mysterious guy. - Although he was introduced wayyy earlier, I thought of him as a side character. But he seems like a powerfully mysterious guy.

Currently hating the Delta Force guys.

Seems like Marjorie Tench is the real culprit. But it may be wrong since I feel like Dan Brown is purposedly making me to believe shes the bad guy.

**Ive fallen in love with Rachel sexton, she remainds me of heroin from the silence of lambs. And the Michael Tolland guy remainds me of Rey Renolds. **

Finally 500 Pages. Only less than 100 pages to go. Upto this point, the meteriote mystery has been finally revealed.
Eventhough it was too technical, the execution of it piece by piece was quite easy to swallow.

a. Mid Range Nickel content - Apparently, the subjected meteorite was not exactly fell on the mid range but it was sooo close. So, it might be a simple earthl rock has been proved. But it was backed up by the fusion crest.

b. Fusion crest  - This was so mysterious because, creating a fusion crest involved heating the subjected rock in high temperature. But in doing so, it would have had the chemical depositions of fuels. And none of them had been found in that meteriote. In a shocking turn of events, it was found that the rock was heated by subjecting it to a propulsion machine (Rachel found this out because a US classified machine can emit a high concentrated Hydrogen ) which emitted a high concentration of Hydrogen. This was when Rachel proved herself a badass when the mystery was left in hands of the two technical geeks. (Michael Tolland and Corky Marlinson). Proving this made Michael and Rachel satisfied that the subjected meteorite was actuall an earth rock but Corky was stubborn because of the condrules. Because no one can artificially make condrules.

c. Condrules - Revealing this mystery was quite awesome and it developed some plot threads. But, it turned out that condrules were not artifically made but they were generated because of high pressure from deep below the ocean. This was some geology shit and I quite didnt understand any of it. So, hurray all the pieces involved in revealing the meteriote was now revealed.

d. Doubting the ET fossils as Deepwater (Apparently in "Dead Zone") crustaceans. - Well this was never a mystery to begin with and Michael just confirmed with all the other pieces.

2 old mysteries gone and 2 stayed with minor developments. No new mysterious introduced but the TDR Memorial kill was mysterious and I'll add that as a new mystery here.

1, The three Spying Delta guys - This is still a mystery but it introduced the controller guy whos commanding the Delta guys. So, who is the controller?
2, Senator Sexton's mysterious guy. - Although he was introduced wayyy earlier, I thought of him as a side character. But he seems like a powerfully mysterious guy.
3, TDR Memorial kill (The mystery of Marjorie Tench, The NASA Administrator Lawrence Ekstrom and NRO head William Pickering)

Finished the book and I have to say. It was awesome.


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