I picked this habit of writing the outburst of my feelings after all the episodes I liked so much. I developed this habit while watching the last two seasons of HIMYM. I thought it would be great to include that in this post.
Nostalgic Nuggets of Fairy Tail:
Fairy Tail
12 - Mystery of Deliora
15 - Grey's Backstory (Great Backstory I've watched in a while)
22 - Card Magic, Ring Magic, Takeover Magic (Elfman, Beast Arm)
I heard him from a distance, he's here
23 - Fighting to save someone and making them owe to you is like giving money for getting interest.
Fairy Tail once again proves that the guilt matters. Marie Jane was awesome while explaining this to Lucy.
29 - Lucy's Backstory (without showing it)
It also had the Backstory of the Strauss siblings!!! (That was sooooooo heart wrenching)
So far, the backstories of Grey and Lucy reminded me of one-piece backstories but not as strong as them yet emotional as those.
Lucy writing to her mother was so emotional da Otha!!😭😭😭😭😭

39 - Major Twist! The Tower of Heaven arc deals with the Backstory of Erza and although it had some silly battles, the Crystallization of tower - R (Revive) System - was a great twist. (That mystery of JALAAAAL!!!!)
40 - Natsu VS Jalaal - All the silly fights in this arc was compensated by this battle. With a tragedy in the end, it is by far the best episode of fairy tail.
42 - Miss Fairy Tail Contest!!!! and a new arc that is totally new to me. Like, I haven’t seen this kind of plot in Shonen.
Defeat your Friends to Save your Friend - Fairy Tail's own cold war
48 - May be the perfect episode but this one is so far my personal favourite.
Locksess is not a real dragon slayer?!??!?!
60 - Own your guilt and live!!
68 - By far, this arc is the worst arc in fairy tail but this episode was my 2nd personal favourite.
84 - I know it’s bizarre but this episode makes my fav fairy tail episodes.
90 to 95 - Edolas is by far my favourite arc. It had one of the best final battle and final moments so far. (MASTERPIECE)
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Edolasss!!! |
112 - This arc was so boring until this point. A lot has happened in this episode. With a small twist reveal about Kana and Gildarts was good and it became great with the last moment of this episode.
114 - Erza Vs Azuma! After Natsu Vs Jalal, this was the best versus battle so far.
122 - WTF!??!?!!?!?!?!
124 - This is the essence of Fairy Tail. My 3rd Favourite episode.
Fairy Tail is nice and all but I am kinda having my saturation point at this moment. I feel like putting fairy tail on a hold. It’s like watching a movie with our favourite characters in it in the form of episodes.
I know that I am feeling low about watching fairy tail but once I start a new arc it sort of drags me into it. I didn’t like Tenrou arc. It was such a drag.
Although it had my favourite fight scene of all fairy tail, other than that all the other fights were downright silly and boring.
The Next arc I am about to watch is Grand Magic Games and TBH I am not that much excited to watch this.
158 - I am already starting to like this arc. The setting itself is worth binging.
159 - It’s getting better. The tragedy is pumping the expectations.
162 - What is an eclipse project?! Elfman is confusing. Manliness in most of the anime defines misogyny and Elfman is no different.
163 - Ridiculous and worst fairy tail episode ever.
166,167 - Man! the climax of 166 and the whole 167 is by far my fav episode of FT. ERZA SCARLET!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Fairy Tail (2014)
Fairy Tail Series 2
11 - Why is all Erza's fights are amazing?!?!?!
14 - This is the reason why Fairy Tail is awesome. My Fav epi
The executioners battle was lame and lagging. It shouldn't have been there and even without it the story would've progressed.
Why Lucy from future came?
17-18 - Dragons Vs Guilds - Edge of the seat Battle
19 - Naked Lucy!!!
61 - What is a white Legacy?!!?
63 - The Twist
Good ending song for this arc - #5: "Never ever" by TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE (東京女子流) (eps 52-64)
66 - And the tables have turned once again
72 - Crime Sorcière is the kind of guild I would join. That may be cringy, but it gives you a second chance to atone for your sins
78 - This is the only emotional sequence that didn’t work out for me.
BEST OPENING SONG OF FAIRY TAIL EVERRRR!!!! - #7: "Believe In Myself" by EDGE of LIFE (eps 78-90)
83 - Best episode ever in Fairy Tail. (With the dragon fight and a Natsu Moment)
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Natsu |
90 - Not the best climax but it was intended to be emotional. The Dragon mystery was disappointing.
91 - Year 686
Fairy Tail: Final Series
Fairy Tail Final Series
281 - After the weakest and boring arc of fairy tail, this episode kicks back the FT vibes.
289 - The curse of Ankshselam - Curse of contradiction.
If Zeref wants to die, then why can’t he make Acnologia to kill him? - Because he thinks he would become a toy for Acnologia to play with.
292 - Ajeel Division the West Battle Begins
293 - Alvarez vs Fiore
309 - After all the planning and revealing, this episode has a tragedy that was heart wreaking! RIP Makarov!
310 - This episode is the disgusting episode in Fairy Tail. I love kinky stuff, but this grossed me out. Yuck!
318 - August twist is awesome. Perfect example of building and EXECUTING a twist. The best ending episode of FT ever!!!!!!
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Why Acnologia didn’t attack the humanity in those 400 years? - He was concerned with killing Dragons and he waited 400 years to kill the time travelled dragons and the dragon slayers.
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