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Prologue to Fairy Tail (EOI #3)

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Delusion is the key!

I was never a political guy. Ignorance was always my key for escapism. But what I was trying was not a mere tactic for escapism. Being ignorant was one thing when you were not a part of it. But being ignorant was a sin when you are a part (more like you are responsible for it) of it.

Some of us like to be a sinner, and I too, liked being a sinner. Eventually, it started feeling cringe-y.

I was an excessive twitter user. Most of the time, I surf twitter for knowing about the trends in K-Town and almost any kind of entertainment.

I never used Insta in my life and FB entertained me for a year during my college. Eventually, I deleted FB and created my own Insta profile. I was not a fan of Insta and that was when I liked Twitter and been an active scroller of twitter ever since.

Twitter! Twitter! Which was used to be my entertainment news app suddenly turned into this bizarre political app.

I have never known how our country works, I mean, the election and stuff. What were the parties and their league mottos? Shit like that never mattered to me until I started sniffing the ideologies of right wing and the left wing.

Weirdly, it was not the political ideologies that made me to get its attention but the take on misogynism and secularism that blew my mind.

I have done things that I regret in my life, but these ideologies told me the things I was supposed to be regretting. But as a matter of fact, and as I told before, I was liked to be a sinner.

To put it in a cringy way, Hunger games was an eye opener for me to comprehend this.

A broken heart and the misogynism are like partners in crime. One may think that being a love failure guy is a sorrowful time and the things that the person does should be considered as a series of fallen emotions and not to mock them or something.

 I have seen these guys, mocked them and ridiculed them. It was when my time came, and suddenly, I became the one being mocked at and getting all sorts of trolls.

All these mocking and trolls were fine, and some may say these were a must do things to get over a relationship.


There lies the problem.

This was when my inner misogynist owned me, and I was proud of it. All these mocking where filled with misogynism and being a sinner was good sometimes but unfortunately for me (I am not sure how it happened till date) it started feeling cringy.

I have been there, I have tasted it, became a glutton for that taste and eventually, that same taste started to make me nauseas. This was when the ideologies of left wing made a huge impact on me.

After shifting to my new PG, I had made some friends. Our terrace discussions and joint 😈 sessions helped me to understand what I am trying to find. It was the time I started watching fairy tail and surprisingly enough, it became clear for me to predict my temperament and all the hypocrisies. 

I found the answer then. Delusion was always the key for me. Delusion taught me one thing

Ignorance is a bitch!

Being ignorant is never a bliss.

 Fairy Tail helped me to identify my delusions and I started enjoying (more like accepting) my delusions.

When you are cringy, and when you feel yourself as the cringer, delusions will break.


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