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Maturity will fuck your eye sockets :( (Last Days of IBM #4)


The month that I had enjoyed a lot! 

I both loved and hated  September 2021 to the extremes. 

In August of 2020, we had a reunion and after that, me and my friends had a lot of fun time together. But the amount of fun I had this time brings me so much compared to the other get-togethers. It brings me so much delight by even thinking about it. It was the time when one of my college mates invited us to his new house ceremony.

At first I had my doubts. Because our class girls would come to this function. And it would be impossible for us to BE US!!! I had the same issue in February 2021 when me and my friends attended one of my class girl’s weddings. I don’t even want to think about it now. 


This time, I am not alone. With me, I have my Go4 guys. NSK and Shot were coming with me (except pangu). So, I had company alright. But what happened was a totally different kind of experience. It came as a total surprise for us. 

Most of the function, I was sitting and chatting idly with my friends and it was boring. Because we weren't able to speak our minds out as we were in a family gathering. And it was all so formal as fuck. Then one of my friends went to take a pee and never came back. He was followed by the others and all of them were disappearing (not coming back) one by one.

I had shot with me and when he decided to disappear (I mean to take a leak), I too wanted to go away from there. Then me and Shot went outside and walked towards the woods. After a while, we disappeared inside the woods. We found that all my friends were sitting and chatting in the old house of my friend (who had invited us to the function). 

We had the best time there and wanted to hang out there for the rest of the day. When we heard that our class girls were going to their home, we decided to go back to the function. And our surprise didn’t end there.

NSK came late to the party and with him came the news.

We heard that there’s a water canal (கால்வாய்) near that house. That did it for us. 

And for the next 2 to 3 hours, we were transported to the heavens. 

Saying Goodbye to TCS

The best form of escapism should be traveling, I would say. Or anything we do outside to enjoy ourselves is also a form of escapism. That is why, instead of reading books, watching movies or any other indoor activities, playing in water gave us bliss. We never wanted to leave that water canal that day. It was on September 10, 2021.

And I craved that kind of escapism more.

And during that time, Uzumaki made me an offer that I can’t refuse.

As I mentioned in my previous posts, Uzumaki got an offer in Infosys and his notice period is nearing its end. His last working date in TCS (his previous company) is 15th of September. So, we planned to stay in Chennai for a week. The idea was fascinating. Due to the pandemic, we were staying in the home all the time. Even the tour and outings last one or two days. Staying in Chennai for a whole week gave the fun vibes. 

I agreed to that offer and we are all set to have fun in Chennai from September 13 (Monday) to September 19 (Sunday).

And when you expect too much of anything, it will always disappoint you. The place we had booked was a tragedy. Adding to that, the climate was also so bad. For the first two days, it was alright. But after that we weren't able to handle it any more.  But we had no choice but to stay there. So we decided to have night strolls in the city. It was bliss. Other than that, Uzumaki ordered a Doner Shawarma and I haven’t eaten that kind of Shawarma in my life. It was fun.

By the end of the week, womanizer joined us and the fun doubled. We three went and stayed with one of Uzumaki’s friends. Then we went to eat the best Beef Kizhi Parotta of a lifetime. After that we went to watch a movie called Free Guy. It was damn good. Womaniser’s uncle joined us in our fun. We went to Shang Chi. Then ro fast and furious blah blah blah…

Though it started weirdly, the journey’s end was nice. By the end of the journey, me and Uzumaki planned to do this again after one and a half months. Because in the next 40 days, my life as an IBMer was coming to an end. We spit and shook hands on it and parted our ways.

After coming home, I started reading Confessions of the Economic Hit Man and finished it in the middle of October. I planned to write about it in the blog but now I don’t feel like writing about it. After that, I read Chetan Bhagat’s new book, 400 days and as usual I didn’t like it (At least it was an okayish read for me). 

I had started developing the FLAMES web app in the month of October and whenever I wanted to remove myself from that task, I would watch James Bond movies. And I came to know that Daniel Craig’s last movie as Bond is going to be released in theatres. So, I watched Daniel Craig’s James Bond marathon and went to the theatres to see the last movie. I died orgasming. 

And now…

The time had finally come to say goodbye to IBM…

1 more week to go. I didn’t want to go to Bangalore at all. I planned to send the laptop to IBM via courier. I even informed Subash about it. So, I broke our promise and decided not to stay in Bangalore as we did in Chennai. I know I need to have this escapism to avoid my sadness. 

Before saying anything, I need to reveal one thing here. There was a reason for my sadness. It was not because of IBM. Yes it's partially true, but there was one more reason for my sadness.

One fine day, my mother suddenly had a desire. It was as follows. She wanted to quit her job and desired to move to Bangalore with me and my brother. Her quitting her job was not an issue for me. At her age, it’s better for her to quit doing a stitching job. But the problem here is her desire to move to Bangalore. So, I decided not to go to Bangalore. Because if I go to Bangalore, then she would’ve asked me to find a house there and shift within a week. So, I was hesitant about it.

And guess what had happened. Nothing went according to the plan. She asked me to go to Bangalore and find a house to stay in for the next IDK for how many years. I was not happy about it. But at least I should make the most out of it. I decided to have fun in Bangalore with my close friends one last time. 

And thus it had begun.

The Days of Being Wild! 


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