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My Classmate’s Marriage – Contd.

My Classmate’s Marriage – Contd.

It was my classmate marriage. She’s a colleague of mine too. It was the first marriage of one of our classmates after the college. Also, I would get time to spend time with my friends. Though I had many issues to attend the marriage, I decided to attend the marriage on a whim. – And I regret this decision of mine a lot.

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Womanizer had a crush on her. He had proposed her during the college days, but she rejected his proposal. So, I thought it would be fun to attend the marriage and make fun of womaniser. But he too had something up in his sleeve to make fun of me. He had already announced that news to me before. I thought it would never affect me, but it had its effect a little.

It’s the surprise of this year’s February. (There’s one more thing too. But it’s a secret)

And the news is - My Ex is getting engaged to a college professor.

This February had taken its quota to surprise me.

I had similar kind of surprises in the last few Februarys.

I hated attending the marriage. Except the fun we boys had the night before the marriage – talking ghost stories and stuff like that, the marriage was no fun. I wish I had spent the time like we spent the previous night on the marriage too. As I told before, it’s a girl classmate’s marriage and our other girl classmates came with her office colleagues who are girls. 

Womaniser started talking to his girlfriends and ignored us as usual. I don’t blame him because he is womaniser. He can’t help himself. And Chettan is a committed fellow. So, he was spending time with his Valentine that day. And I had Lady Ji with me. I thought he would be giving me company. But he too gone with the wind.

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It’s not like I was shy or anything. I just don’t feel like talking to a girl. I greeted some of them because I know them in IBM. And that’s the part I can play. Nothing more and nothing less. And I was too tired to talk to my friends too. I had slept for 2 hours and I was supposed to go to my Periyamma’s house after the wedding. The one guy who came to my rescue was the guy who Chettan and Womaniser didn’t want to come to the marriage. He too cringed me out in some places, but I had the liberty to scold him.

I know its kind of an insecurity but fuck it. 

After the wedding, we had many discussions on this. And all those discussions ended up as, me being the bad guy. Now I must accept the fact. I did some terrible things like lying to my closest friends and not behaving well on the marriage. I could’ve talked to the girls in a free way as if we are friends for a long time. But the problem was – I don’t speak to people who I am not close with, be it a boy or a girl.

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And finally, I will be me when I am around with my friends. And no one can take that part of me from myself; not even me.

I don’t want to discuss the secrets of the Februarys of 2017 to 2021. But I can say this – 

I am me because of the events that happened on those Februarys. From falling in love with a girl to breaking up with another girl (Technically it’s a break up as it’s a one side love), from escaping a near death experience to indulging myself in a life changing experience and from writing screenplays to directing amateur short films – These Februarys taught me and changed me a lot!


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