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A Rhetoric on the Before Trilogy - Contd.

And 9 more years later…

Jesse and Celine were living happily together for the last 9 years parenting two beautiful girls. They were traveling and enjoying their life with the small burdens of life of course. And as usual they never stop talking do, they? 

And I think that’s what makes them love each other. It’s how they express their ideas, temperaments, or emotions to each other like they do with no other person.

In the other 2 movies, we see only Jesse and Celine but, in this movie, we get to see a lot of characters and even their part was also amazing. The thing I am about to say may be an unpopular opinion but, the ending of this movie had a huge impact on me. It has kind of tried answering the most nagging question of all.

Can we find our perfect pair? The one who we can share the rest of our life with?

I am not sure what the movie tried to say but after the pre climax scene, I kind of had my own revolution but the above question. This may sound Nihilistic or pessimistic but, here goes.

The Answer is NO!

Jesse and Celine never leave each other in the movie. This movie ends with Jesse holding Celine in her arms, sitting in a chair, starring the sky, before midnight!

People may argue that after the big fight, if they were not meant to be each other; if they are not a perfect pair; they would’ve left each other. But I don’t think so.

They can leave each other but THEY don’t want to. Let me put it this way. After reading the Notebook, I wanted that kind of true love or the perfect partner of whatsoever. To my surprise, Jesse cheats Celine and Celine too cheats Jesse at one point. I don’t want to break this myth of even cheating doesn’t eradicate true love. I kind of cringed on this. The climax was nothing romantic and cheesy songs. But that is when they had proven that they’d achieved the highest intimacy between each other.

And my answer (NO) is because of this last scene. Jesse tells Celine that he had traveled into the future and saw that they had a great sex and their fighting ended in an instance. But Celine just winces at Jesse which hurts him. I don’t know how to put it in words here, but Jesse frustrates one last time and Celine just hold his hand and the end.

The I don’t want to burst any myths but just wanted to say that it’s all depends upon the character of people to define the term true love. 

For me, true love doesn’t exist. 

But a simple love without any dramatics is more powerful than a true love. 

If one of you feels like losing self-respect, then its nothing wrong to get angry with your partner. It’s wrong to not get angry in the name of adjustment. 

And if your partner doesn’t gets pissed of because you got angry then you have found your love.


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