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Dwarakesh Dial Seitha Yen(gal)

A week of Nostalgia

As I hated the third book of the fifty Shades series, I decided to pass my time by delving myself on nostalgia. I started listening to Eminem, watched episodes from old cartoons and I also re-watched some episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Exactly one year back, I started watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. on 3rd week of April 2019.

Its 3rd week of April 2020. I thought to myself,” Why can’t I re-watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. again this year?”

That is how I met “How I met your Mother”

It was indeed the week of Nostalgia for me. This new show I was watching gave me the same feel that F.R.I.E.N.D.S. gave me when I watched it at that time.

It was more likeable and funnier than the F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Barney Stinson, Ted Mosby, Lily Aldrin, Marshal Ericksen, Robin Scherbatsky

Though this show gave me the feel of watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S., both are not the same. Many may say that’s an unpopular opinion. But when I think about it, the one thing that differs each show is F.R.I.E.N.D.S. did not have BARNEY STINSON. Many people say Barney is the equivalent of Joey and that’s a statement I won’t agree on.

Watching Barney fed all my Guilty Pleasures and being a half-baked misogynist myself, I enjoyed watching Barney.

Ted and Me

Although I like Barney, Ted was the guy I can able to relate a lot with. Sometimes, I would think something, and Ted would do the exact same thing. Josh Raynor was the perfect guy to play Ted. And to my surprise, Josh and Ted are same too. Josh was not as brilliant as Ted but he’s better than Ted.

Josh is a singer songwriter and a guitarist. That was what I thought I wanted to become somewhere down the line. Sometimes, I want my life to be like the transition of Ted to Josh.

A guy who makes a lot of money, who loves a woman to his eternity and pursues his passion to his death.

Although I disliked the ending of HIMYM, it didn’t affect me. I always wished Robin to be the Mother and the whole Barney and Robin thing was not working for me. Barney didn’t deserve his character to end like that.

Sickness in Solitude

Finishing the series was hard for me. I was on season 7 and it was the last week of April. I had 3 days off from office because of May 1.

It took two and a half weeks for me to complete the first six seasons of HIMYM and with three more seasons to go, I woke on May 1 to find myself feeling sick.

I thought, “This is it!”

For the first time in this pandemic isolation, I felt fear. I tried ignoring the fever and started watching the seventh season of HIMYM. Yah right! Obviously, the worst decision and it made the fever worse.

It was a Friday and I managed to doze myself off. By the evening, the fever was too much, I started having dizzy spells. When I think about it now, it was a crazy state of mind. I located a medicine in my room and took one after eating chapattis that night.

The pain got weaker, but my fever hadn’t gotten down. Paracetamol made me sleep well and I hoped that I would feel good the next morning. But it was not the case though.

The Saviour and the Otaku

I did a lot of crazy stuff those three days. Last year I proposed a friend of mine to marry me. Obviously, she rejected me, and I couldn’t take my mind off of her the whole time. I constantly called my mom and talked to her. It was not all sympathetic and emotional stuff. I just wanted to get distracted from all these sickness shit.


Hopefully, I was not pathetic to my crush when I talked with her those days. And Hopefully (and more importantly), I didn't become the Karthick of Karthick dial seitha Yen. I won’t say that hearing her voice made my sickness go away, but I felt happy.

The weekend when I hoped to complete HIMYM was a tragic one. I went to my friend’s PG and he took me to a clinic. The doctor checked and said it’s just a viral fever and gave me few medicines and by Monday morning I was all well.

I came back to my PG and took a day off and started watching HIMYM. (CLASSIC!!! :P)

The next 10 days went swiftly and finally I completed watching the series.

Having fever during a worldwide viral attack was a shitty experience. But it taught me many things.


It didn’t teach me shit! But somewhere during those three days, I donno when, maybe I surfed the web, maybe I scrolled the social media posts, I DECIDED TO WATCH MY NEXT ANIME.


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