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It was always THE CARTOONS (Being Otaku #0)

It all started when I was 10 years old. It was the year 2008. I like cartoons.

Actually, that last part was an understatement.

I love cartoons.

I remember watching Popeye the sailor man and Power puff girls in my first grade. As a 5-year-old kid, what do anyone expect me to do?

YEAR 2003

So, no one from my family blamed me for watching cartoons. But it got weird as the time progressed. I got sucked into the world of cartoons. I wanted to eat spinach as Popeye did. When you think about it, it wasn’t weird to eat spinach right?

Actually, it’s a good thing to eat Spinach. But,

I wanted to eat Spinach the same way that Popeye ate. I asked my mom to give me Spinach stuffed inside a can and when I crush the can, the spinach should explode outside out of the can and land inside my mouth.

And I got what I wanted. Well, not exactly. My mom made spinach and she stuffed inside the can. But it didn’t explode and land in my mouth.


When I grew up, I watched a lot of cartoons. Each cartoon I watched meant something to me. I loved Courage, the cowardly dog. You know the dog who’s a coward and his cowardice mostly led him to do courageous things.

And there was Samurai Jack, the Mask, Tom and Jerry (G.O.A.T) and the list goes on. And yes, Johnny Bravo, Scooby Doo, Clone Wars and again, the list goes on.

I might not able to list all the shows I have watched as a child, but I can’t able to forget the TV Channel that provided us these amazing shows.

Its, Cartoon Network.

Before Marvel was a big thing, DC reigned the superhero business. Especially, the Justice League. Every Saturday morning, it is Justice League time. I was glued to the TV every weekend to watch Justice League. And just like that,

BATMAN became my favorite superhero of all time.

Cartoon Network telecasted a separate dedicated TV show for Batman called Batman – The Animated Series. Even, thinking about that pumps up my adrenaline.

Later on, MCU took over the throne from DC and it’s a different story.

So, till date I am a DC fan. From Marvel, I like Spider Man and X men franchise a lot. I am not a fan of Iron man because he is just a parodical version of Batman. Besides the Captain America’s Origin story, there’s nothing cool about Captain America. MCU even made my favorite Marvel Superhero Spiderman into a sidekick for Iron Man.

It is not that I hate Marvel, but it is seriously OVERRATED!!!

As I was growing, I hadn’t gotten bored of cartoons and almost 5 years of watching cartoons over and over, I suddenly stopped watching it.

Post Script:

I am planning on making this post a series and so here is the Chapter 0 of the Series.


  1. You missed your memories with power rangers

    1. It'll will be there in my upcoming chapters of #beingotaku 😁


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